Tuesday, February 28, 2006


My two maltese x shihtzu dog's had puppies yesterday evening. The female did it all of course!! She had 4. 3 girl's & 1 boy. But one of the girl's was so tiny i have to bottle feed her. As soon as i get a photo of them i will add it to my blog. Just thought i would share the new's. For now here is a photo of mum.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Suprise, Suprise................

Today i put myself into hospital i had been in some pain for a while & it just was not improving so i desided to find out why this was.
I had an x-ray done & to my suprise they said, i had a sewing needle wedged in my hip bone!!!!!
So now i have to wait till monday to see a surgeon. Please pray for me, as i have an opp. to remove this forein object. Till then i will remain sore, and taking medicine fot the pain.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Daily Reading

In my daily reading i have been reading about the parable of the Sower,MATT 13:1-23 "Some seed fell on the way side (those who hear, but do not understand, the evil one comes along and snatches them away). Some seed fell on stoney ground ( those who hear the word & recieves it with joy, but with no roots, easily stumbles when tribulation comes). Some seed fell among thorns (he hears the word, but the cares of this world become too much, so becomes unfruitful). Some fell on good ground (He who hears the word &understands it, & produces much fruit).
Which one are you? It is a challenging scripture, one to help you keep your eye's on what matter's most! Our LORD......